I know you're thinking the same as me, time is flying too fast! I am amazed that it's already New Year's Eve!! We can't delay the countdown, so enjoy!
I'm going to ask my family to write down their favorites of 2007 and what they expect or hope to have happen in 2008 and scrapbook their answers! I think this might be a fun tradition for each of us, every year.
Here's my last post of 2007 and a prayer request for the New Year:
These photos are of my nephews departure to Afghanistan in November, days before he turned 30 yeaers old! The girls waving are Katie (remember the story of Jeremy and Katie three years ago?), my niece, Rebekah and her daughter Dylynn who is right between them in the purple jacket.
The second is a photo he sent to me showing me he is safe, sound and smiling! Yeah God!
My prayer request is one that everyone is already praying, I'm sure. Please pray for God's peace and love to comfort every soldier & their family awaiting for their safe return.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year celebration and may God continue to bless you in 2008!